Project Hannah

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God's Grace, Our Faith (Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter)

“Unfortunately, I got married before I met Jesus. Both my husband and I were wicked. We have two daughters together and my husband had seven lovers. He mistreated me and for revenge I did not feed him. One day, I had enough and I went looking for something that would help me forget my problems. I thought buying capuca [a homemade fermented drink in Angola] would numb my pain. But, deep within my heart, a voice asked, ‘Will you ruin your life because of one man? What if you become addicted to the drink?’ I went home and slept until the next day. The ladies of a Project Hannah prayer group prayed for me and told me about the love of Jesus. Then I accepted him and by the grace of God I was converted!

     For three years now I have been a member of Project Hannah’s prayer groups [in Angola]. Through them, I learned how to pray and it changed my life. My husband surprised me and asked me what I have [in my life now]. My daughters also converted to Christianity and they pray with me in Project Hannah. My husband left all his lovers and treats me well now. I have faith that he will become a believer. Sisters, please continue to pray for him.”

Read the full Hannah’s Heartbeat newsletter and email the PDF to friends so they too can join Project Hannah in sharing God’s life-changing love with suffering women around the world (select "Download the PDF" for the current issue; archives of past issues are also available).

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