Project Hannah

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Healing Touch (Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter)

Sophia* sought out both witch doctors and medical professionals, but nothing helped. She stayed sickly for over 25 years. It started soon after she married. Sophia suffered from epilepsy, but she also heard voices that tormented her. She became unable to walk and remained on a mattress in her home. In these conditions, she gave birth to five children. When she had to go to the hospital, her husband carried her in a wheel barrow.

     “After a while, I believed that my husband had found another woman. This created hurt, sadness and resentment in my heart, because in my condition I could do nothing to change the situation. I felt neglected and discriminated against. As a woman, I became very jealous. So my physical, emotional and spiritual health declined. Making the situation even worse, my 14 year old son also suffered from the same disease since he was born and was unable to attend school. Emotionally, I became even weaker and I felt worthless. But for the past two years, I have been listening to the Women of Hope program. I was comforted when I heard it and I felt relieved by your teachings and prayers. This helped me a lot.”

     “When I heard the marriage program, I felt troubled because after many years my marriage gave me only pain and sorrow. I called you and on July 11, 2011, two members of your team came to visit me at my house.” These Project Hannah team members prayed for her. During the visit, Sophia accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. And, she experienced God’s physical healing as well. When producers met with her again, they saw Sophia had started walking!

     Later that summer, visitors from TWR Canada joined the Angola Project Hannah team in a follow-up visit to Sophia. Her husband and children were present and expressed how glad and happy they were for what God was doing in the life of their wife and mother.

     Thank you for praying for Women of Hope production teams, those visiting face-to-face with listeners, and for precious women like Sophia who are in desperate need of the healing touch only God can give.

Learn more about the Project Hannah teams across Africa, the women they serve and how you can be a part.

Read the full Hannah’s Heartbeat newsletter and email the PDF to friends so they too can join Project Hannah in sharing God’s life-changing love with suffering women around the world (select "Download the PDF" for the current issue; archives of past issues are also available).

*name changed

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