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The Power that Opens Heaven (Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter)

Mrs. Zharklov, a Ukrainian listener and international prayer team member, recently sent this encouraging letter:

     “I am your constant listener and Project Hannah prayer warrior for the women around the world. My church prays for Project Hannah also, for all the producers of the program, for good health, for good reception and for your ministry. Dear sisters, thank you for coming into our homes each week bringing God’s love, joy and comfort as well as answers to our questions. Thank you for the good discussions on the many different subjects; they are edifying to us. With great eagerness I listen to the [Ukrainian] Women of Hope programs. Because of TWR’s Ukrainian programs, I accepted the Lord in 1992. In our church, we have Bible studies and at the end we share what the Lord has taught us. Your programs are a big help to me as I participate. Sometimes I share material that I have heard in one of the TWR programs. I love that you invite specialists to be involved in Women of Hope to help answer to our questions. I am so happy to be in a close contact with you. Pray for me and my family, because prayer is the power that opens heaven.”

     Women of Hope first aired in the Ukrainian language in 2002. Now, the 30-minute program continues to air once a week over a medium wave transmitter. As funds permit, every other week, a shorter 15-minute version is aired over the National Radio Company of Ukraine network. Monthly prayer calendars are translated into over 50 languages, including Russian (which is used by those praying in Ukraine). Each month, people in more than 100 countries join voices in prayer for suffering women around the world. Visit the prayer and program sections of this site. Not only can you access many wonderful resources for yourself, but you can also easily share them with others.

     Partner with us for Project Hannah Ukrainian.


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