Project Hannah

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In God's Sight

Bheria went to church regularly. Since all the activities of the church were done by men, she came to understand that there was no place in God’s house for women. Then a voice on the radio spoke straight to her heart, filling her with joy she had never imagined. Bheria listened carefully as the woman told the stories of women in the Bible. God had chosen Mary to be part of his redemptive plan, calling her to be the mother of the Lord Jesus. God answered Hannah’s prayer by giving her a powerful prophet, Samuel, as a son. Esther was chosen to save the people of God. And, Scripture taught that God not only loved queens like Esther but also prostitutes like Rahab.

     Bheria was amazed to learn how valuable women are in the sight of Jesus. After listening to the [Women of Hope] program, she started a women’s fellowship in her church. Each woman was excited to be part of a fellowship at church, and they all started listening to the radio program, which taught Bheria the truth about how God values women. Bheria recently wrote: “Thank you, TWR-Nepal, for teaching us so many things through radio. Thank you for giving us the knowledge that we [women] have a place in the church.”

Read more on our Project Hannah Nepal Country Focus page.

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