Project Hannah

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The Mission Field at Our Door (by Maggan Johansson, Sweden)

As the church, I believe we have a wonderful opportunity to spread the gospel among immigrants. We can treat them kindly and welcome them. We can show the love and the light of the Lord. When I meet Christian refugees I tell them there is a reason why God has sent them to our country. In this world, we [Christians] are also like refugees; even I feel uncomfortable in my own culture at times. But, the Christian refugees have a special task to do, and they have a lot to teach us Christians in Sweden. I tell them they are very much needed, and that is true! I think it’s important to separate the political issues in the society from the people you meet face-to-face. When I meet with women of another religion, it’s important to show God’s care and love through my actions. We started “Hannah’s House” at my church. It’s a growing group with both Christians and people from other religious backgrounds. We show the Mary Magdalena film. I have discovered that the women with another background love when we are praying for them even if we pray in the name of Jesus! We also include Project Hannah’s prayer calendar. There is an inner circle of Christian refugees in the group. This sets the standard for everyone attending “Hannah’s House.” But all are welcome in an equal way! The concept is that a friend brings another friend. The mission field is right outside our door now. My prayer is that this concept will spread throughout our country. At this time, I know of another young person who is planning to start a “Hannah’s House” in her town.

Maggan Johansson coordinates Project Hannah ministries in Sweden.

Challenge yourself about how God would have you include the outcasts of this world in his gospel of love; read a recap from Impact '10 ~ Stir (a Stonecroft Ministries event in which Founder Marli Spieker participated).

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