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Thank You for All the Lessons You Give Us Through Radio (Albania)

Thank you for your wonderful programs. Now, I am a regular listener of the radio. I have been saved through your programs. One of the programs that touched my heart in a special way is Women of Hope. I was without hope and I didn’t know where to go, but praise to God now I know where I belong. I am a precious daughter of the Lord. The Lord came to my life and told me how much He loved me. I live in a village and there is no church there, so the only source for me is the radio. Thank you for helping me so much in my daily life. You are such a blessing to me.” Albanian listener (24 years old)

     “Thank you for your program Women of Hope. I am a regular listener of your programs. I have been especially blessed by Women of Hope programs because this program is especially for us. This program has helped me to grow strong in my spirit and to give God glory for everything. I can say that many teachings on health care have been very helpful to me. The one talking about blood pressure was just for me. Thank you for all the lessons that you give us through the radio. God bless you.” Albanian listener (70 years old)

     “I am a man, 18 years old. Thank you for your wonderful programs. One day I listened to a program called Women of Hope. It talked about marriage. I have learned many necessary tips for the life of a husband and a wife. I told my father about this program and he has begun to listen to it. Thank you for equipping us with useful information. Thank you and God bless you.” Albanian listener

Click here to learn more about Project Hannah in Albania.

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