Project Hannah

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Living Water (Nepali Prison Ministry, Pam Wise Travel Journal Day 7)

We had the rare opportunity of going into two prisons in Nepal to meet with listeners (we were even welcomed by the Chief District Officer). In the women’s prison there were 19 regular listeners, two of whom lead a prayer group and Bible study based on the broadcasts. The men’s prison was much larger and we were unable to find out how many regularly listen.

     We were able to present a water filtration system as well as portable radios to each of the prisons and each person there received a Bible, a program guide and a booklet. Sadly, we couldn’t sit and talk with the inmates, which was distressing as many of the women were anxious to talk with us. I so badly wanted to hear their life stories and to be able to offer them some hope.

Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:13 & 14

Read the previous entry in Pam’s Nepal travel journal.

Having “retired” to Asia with her husband to serve the Lord, Pam Wise blesses TWR by volunteering with Project Hannah. Pam traveled with other TWR Asia members to visit the TWR Nepal team and see the work there. This is one of several journal entries from Pam’s Nepal trip which will be shared to provide further insight into reaching women in Nepal via TWR’s Project Hannah.

Want to learn more about Project Hannah's prison ministries in other countries? Click here to link to articles and video of Project Hannah’s ministry to women in prison in Paraguay.

Use the resources from our Women in Prison monthly prayer focus to pray for Project Hannah prison ministries around the world.

Funding is needed in order for the fruitful Project Hannah Nepal ministry to continue. Click to give now.

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