Project Hannah

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Attitude of Gratitude (Pam Wise Nepal Travel Journal 6)

Violence against women takes many forms from verbal “teasing” and emotional abuse, to physical and sexual abuse within the home, to rape and trafficking. According to the New ERA (1997) report, one of the major causes of women leaving the household has been polygamy and subsequent abuse by co-wives. Alcohol related violence in the family was reported high all over Nepal as well as incidents of dowry related violence.

     We visited with a number of women who have been abandoned by their husbands or forced to leave for their safety and that of their children. Many have found hope and strength and talked to us about the joy of having a community of friends to turn to for support.

     This lady [pictured], abandoned by her husband, is living in one room with her three daughters, two of whom are developmentally handicapped.

     Just a few weeks earlier, her house had been washed away by floods and she pointed out to us the place where it previously stood. Nonetheless, you can see the joy radiating from her face. She is just so grateful for all that she has.

     I really need to work on my “Attitude of Gratitude.”

     We also visited a slum area in a dried up river bed to see another initiative of the [TWR Nepal] staff. A small group have built a house for two ladies to live in and establish their own outreach ministry. They know that the house will wash away next rainy season, but in the meantime they have a home. And, the church will build them another after the rains stop.

Read the previous entry in Pam’s Nepal travel journal.

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Having “retired” to Asia with her husband to serve the Lord, Pam Wise blesses TWR by volunteering with Project Hannah. Pam traveled with other TWR Asia members to visit the TWR Nepal team and see the work there. This is one of several journal entries from Pam’s Nepal trip which will be shared to provide further insight into reaching women in Nepal via TWR’s Project Hannah.

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