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For Girls and Mothers: An Education for Life (Pam Wise Nepal Travel Journal 5)

There have been some gains in literacy in Nepal since the 1970s when the government began including programs for girl’s education, but the WHO statistics still indicate a huge discrepancy between literacy rates of males and females.  In 2002, the literacy rate for males was 62% but for females only 26%.

     Many reasons exist for not sending girls to school including a lack of household resources, school fees being high, not sensing an importance to educate girls as they will simply get married and become an asset to the husband’s family, a heavy workload for girls in the home, a lack of female teachers and inadequate facilities.

     Along with literacy programs for women, TWR staff and volunteers have recognized the need for children’s programs. We visited a multi-purpose “school” in a dump area which provides schooling for the kids in the mornings. We were there to see classes break up for the day and the room immediately fill with women who receive not only basic literacy but also sewing and design skills and the knowledge needed to set up and run a small business.

     A 9 year old girl said “I really wanted to go to school like my friends. But my parents stopped my schooling after six months of my joining school because they were not able to provide my uniform and books and pencils. With a heavy heart and broken heart, I had to stay back at my house to look after my younger brother at home while my parents went out to work. I used to peep out at children my age who were going to school uniform and school bags full of books. I wished I could get opportunity like these children. Now, I am so happy to able to study in this children education centre. I want to be a teacher in future so that I can teach those poor children like me.”

     As a result of the sewing programs, five women have found employment in the garment and tailoring industry and three have opened their own small shops.

Read the previous entry in Pam’s Nepal travel journal.

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Having “retired” to Asia with her husband to serve the Lord, Pam Wise blesses TWR by volunteering with Project Hannah. Pam traveled with other TWR Asia members to visit the TWR Nepal team and see the work there. This is one of several journal entries from Pam’s Nepal trip which will be shared to provide further insight into reaching women in Nepal via TWR’s Project Hannah.


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