Project Hannah

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Evidence of Joy and Peace (Nepal, Pam Wise Travel Journal 2)

Everywhere we went we saw evidence of joy and peace in the lives of listeners. And, this despite TWR Nepal’s small team and limited amount of available programming [The Word Today, a locally produced program and Women of Hope were the only programs being aired when Pam visited Nepal in October 2008; though almost the entire country can be covered by airings from local stations, Women of Hope continues to primarily be aired only around cities because funding is lacking to air from all available outlets].

     One of the first stops we made was to visit a home where three generations have been listening for a number of years. There we met a young girl who was eager to tell us about the joy her family has received from the broadcasts. She was delighted to write down her story [for us].

     In a small town we were greeted by members of a church which had formed around the radio ministry. They were so happy to have us there that they did a little impromptu service, sharing some of their music with us. This is the full size of their church building, and it was hot, but they were rejoicing in God’s provision. This church is reaching out to their community through a program to teach sewing skills to women so that they are able to earn some money to support their families.

     After a quick visit to another rapidly growing church, we went out into the countryside to visit some of their members. We visited the home of this elderly couple [wife with a radio on her lap], and I stupidly asked how they got to church for services. Of course, they walk three hours to attend the church, in spite of the fact that he is partially paralyzed.

Click for the previous entry in Pam’s Nepal travel journal.

Funding is needed in order for the fruitful Project Hannah Nepal ministry to continue. Click to give now.

Having “retired” to Asia with her husband to serve the Lord, Pam Wise blesses TWR by volunteering with Project Hannah. Pam traveled with other TWR Asia members to visit the TWR Nepal team and see the work there. This is one of several journal entries from Pam’s Nepal trip which will be shared to provide further insight into reaching women in Nepal via TWR’s Project Hannah.

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