Project Hannah

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Connected to God, Isolated No More

Last October, a listener in Albania wrote:

"Every day I listen to the prayer calendar program of Project Hannah. I live in a far remote village and all day I have to stay with my sheep. I have a solar radio and I take it whenever I go. I’m the only believer in my entire village and do not have even the possibility to meet other believers. In the morning I sit down and pray together with my sister Narhi*, who directs this program. I love praying for other people. Prayer is something special, where we meet together in the presence of God. I’m not isolated anymore, because of the Project Hannah prayer calendar program; it connects me with sisters all around the world."

Albania is one of several Project Hannah ministries which produces a Prayer Calendar program from the daily prayer requests (in addition to airing Women of Hope).

Those around the world who prayed through Project Hannah's September prayer calendar joined God in connecting isolated people, just like that Albanian listner, to God and with the body of believers. Thank you for your prayers.

This October we are praying for women around the world. Be a part of what God is doing:  sign up for our 40-Day Season of Prayer and Fasting, get the October Prayer Resources for yourself, and share the resources with others via e-mail, Facebook, and Twitter.

God is working among the women of this world. Be a part; join Him through Project Hannah today.

*name changed for privacy

Learn more about Project Hannah's ministry in Albania here.

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