Project Hannah

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The Care of God and His Perfect Plan (Nepal)

I want to begin by thanking God, who cares about me and shows his concern for me. I am 27 years old and I have been married for nine years. Although I have been married such a long time, I have not been able to have a child. I have gotten pregnant many times, but each time I miscarry. This made me so depressed and so worried about whether I would have a child. We went to many prominent doctors, but none of them were able to do anything to help us. My husband and I were so sad, and worse, our families and people around us would treat us very badly, questioning why we could not have a child. People mistreated me and abused me because I could not have a child; that was the way my life was and nothing changed for years.

     One day when I turned on the radio, I heard a Christian women’s program Nari Asha (Women of Hope in Nepali). At first, I did not really care to listen, but then I become more and more interested. It was as if the ladies on the program were talking about my life. They actually talked about miscarriage and infertility. And, they told the biblical story of Sarah. Though she also had no child, at the prefect time God had planned for her, she became pregnant and had a child. Sarah’s story truly touched me; it encouraged my heart and gave me new hope. Hearing Sarah’s story gave me comfort. I used to be very conscious of being imperfect and unsuccessful without hope that I could change. Now I know that God can give success and make me perfect in him, but only when I trust in him to do it. When I learned that, I committed my life to Jesus.

     Still today, I do not have a child. But, I believe that in God’s perfect time, he will give me a child. Now, both my husband and I go to church together and our married life is also happy too.

To learn more about Women of Hope in Nepali, click here.

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