Project Hannah

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Set Free by Truth

Somwang’s story is an excerpt from founder Marli Spieker's book, "When Hope Wins."

Today Women of Hope programs are broadcast from dozens of community radio stations and even twelve major stations belonging to our government, covering the whole of Thailand and neighboring countries. Scores of women and men listening to the programs have turned to Christ.

     One of the greatest joys from the Thai ministry has been to learn of a man called Khun Somwang Kongkeaw, an ex-convict at Udorn Prison in. Rotting in his cell one day, he turned on the radio and heard Women of Hope. He thought, “This is for women—not for tough guys like me!” But he was strangely drawn to what was being said. He listened to the whole program and jotted down the contact address at the end.

     Then he wrote to us, “Today I listened to your Women of Hope. I heard your message and I understood it. You asked if I wanted to change my life and have my sins forgiven. I do not know God, but I prayed with you to accept your Jesus into my life. I want to be a new person. When I prayed, I felt something in my heart that I have never felt before. I think it is the love of this God you told me about.”

     A miraculous healing experience followed his conversion. Now he had to tell his friends. Some did not believe him, but others did. He kept telling them that the man who healed him was Jesus. He explained to them who Jesus is—the Son of the living God who came to save the world, forgive our sins, and set us free! What a message for an audience craving freedom with every breath!

     He kept listening to Women of Hope and reported to us what God was doing. He wanted to know more about Jesus, so we sent him our Bible correspondence course. His friends also wanted to study so he sent us a list of their names. A miracle unfolded right before our eyes! His life-changing experience attracted more than 100 prisoners who completed the Bible course in the first year.

     But that’s not all! Somwang’s changed life also inspired the prison officials and through his testimony four of them accepted Christ. Because of his transformation and excellent behavior they made him the overseer of other prisoners. This promotion gave him an even greater platform to witness to all the prisoners. During the five years after listening to Women of Hope for the first time, Somwang had led more than 2,000 prisoners to study the Word of God! More than 700 of them accepted Christ and were baptized.

     Then the day came when Somwang’s time was up and he was set free. However, his heart was with his new spiritual family in that jail. So he received permission to continue teaching weekly Bible Lessons to about 200 men and women inside that place of painful memories. It is mind-boggling! Who could have imagined that a radio program, written by women for women, would touch a rough convict’s heart, thereby planting a church of more than 200 members in the heart of a high security prison in a Buddhist country?

But the story does not end there! Inspired by Somwang’s testimony, vibrant prison ministries continue in Thailand. And, obviously, the story does not begin with Somwang. Read how God rescued the Executive Producer of the Thai Women of Hope program from unimaginable personal and cultural difficulties and established her as the head of TWR’s media partner in Thailand. Read how God called longtime TWR missionary Marli Spieker to found Project Hannah and guided her in His work from an early age.

Order your copy of “When Hope Wins” today ($12 including shipping). If you’ve already read the book, let us know what you thought via the contact us feature on this site and order another copy today to introduce a friend to God’s work through Project Hannah!

Book available in the United States only. Canadian Residents: Please contact the TWR-Canada office for book availability by calling 1-888-672-6510.

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