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Heartfelt Greetings (e-mails from Spanish listeners)

Recently, our Project Hannah Spanish team forwarded us just a few of the many emails they receive every day from listeners to Mujeres de Esperanza, our Spanish Women of Hope program. Be encouraged as you read them, and please read on to learn how you can partner with TWR and Project Hannah to reach Spanish-speaking women across the Americas with the love of Christ.

“Hello my sisters. At this time I am listening to your program through a Christian radio station in my city. I want to tell you that it gave me joy to see your page [Spanish Project Hannah Web site] and to see how you work with excellence for God. I am writing to you to encourage you and to tell you that God moves when His children put their faith in Him into action. Hugs.”

“Today I listened to the program from Anzoategui, Venezuela. The topic you covered was about the 'Care of the elderly.'  I am a mother of a nine year old boy and I’m studying to get my bachelor’s in comprehensive education.  I liked that program so much; we always listen to you.  Almost everyone in my family is a Christian.  This program came to me like a ring for a finger because I have to do a project on this topic.  Whenever we’re able, with my study partners who are Christians, we give the Bible’s point of view in respect to the topics that we have to present. Your programs have been a great spiritual help and blessing for me . . . .”

“I am sending you this email to express how grateful I am to God and to you for this program which is such a blessing to many people. It has really helped me in that way. I gave my life to Christ just a little over two years ago, and I have learned so much about the Word of God from you all.  I live in California, and I listen to the station Radio Nueva Vida 1130. I pray that God blesses you greatly. Receive a hug from me.”

“Blessing to the whole Project Hannah ministry. We would like to let you know that we are broadcasting your Women of Hope program on our Christian radio station ‘Horizonte Radio’ 99.7 FM in the city of Casma, Ancash department in Peru. Continue forward with the work of bringing encouragement and hope through the person of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May God continue to bless your ministry.”

“Hello, how are you? I listen every day when they play the Women of Hope program.  Everything you say is beautiful. My mother also likes it, and we listen together. It’s so great because you give us words which help us to have a good relationship with God. I want to ask you to pray for my brother and his wife, that they will believe in God and go to church. That’s the only thing I will ask you, that they would believe in God so our whole family can be Christians. Greetings and blessings to everyone.”

These Spanish listeners were blessed by Women of Hope because of TWR's proven distribution system which provides programs to an extensive network of local stations. Many Latin Americans have small radios and enjoy listening to their favorite radio station. All across Latin America there are many local radio stations with loyal listeners. However, most of these small radio stations don’t have the financial resources to create high quality radio programs that address the needs of their society with Biblical integrity. TWR answers this need with high quality programs produced by expert Latin American communicators (such as Spanish Women of Hope). TWR builds on its 45 years of experience in Latin America by distributing programs for families, children, youth, and women to over 500 radio stations across the region. Would you like to help underwrite the cost of distributing TWR programs, including listener follow-up, to a local radio station in Latin America? You can do so for only $56 by clicking here.

Or you can help with costs for Project Hannah’s entire Spanish Ministry (including translation, production, 2 airings from Bonaire, one to Cuba and one to Venezuela, an airing from a high power transmitter in Uruguay, and the vibrant Spanish internet ministry) by clicking here. No amount is too small to be a blessing!

Click here to read more about Project Hannah's Spanish ministry and its wonderful production team in an article from the June 2010 Hannah's Heartbeat newsletter.

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