Project Hannah

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Paraguay: Ministry to Women in Prison (2010 June update)

Read an October 2010 update.

Read more about how God started Project Hannah’s women's prison ministry in Asuncion here.

Every Monday night, a group of Project Hannah volunteers, led by Dorette Wolff, visit the “House of the Good Shepherd” women’s prison in Paraguay. They coordinate several different activities, such as a bible study, personal counseling, an hour of play with their children who live in jail with them and a craft workshop.

     This year, eight volunteers will be continuing this wonderful ministry. Some of them are students at a nearby theology university. One volunteer, Mrs. Annie Weichselberger works with women who have been released, helping them find work and a place to live. Many of the women express great interest in learning more about Jesus Christ, and love to participate in the activities provided.

     Praise God for these faithful Project Hannah volunteers, and for the good relationship that they have established with the prison director. In the days ahead, please pray for the Christian women in prison to continue to be faithful and firm in their faith because they face many difficulties and temptations. Pray also for the volunteers, that God would give them strength, wisdom and especially the love they need to help the women who are suffering. Finally, pray that God will call people to follow Project Hannah and that more can be done in Paraguay to defend the rights of women.

Watch the DESTINATION: HOPE video today to see Marli and the Project Hannah team during the first visit to the women’s prison in Paraguay (just after the 7 minute mark of the 9 minute video).

In Project Hannah founder Marli Spieker’s book, When Hope Wins, you can read more about the Paraguay prison ministry, including the story of Ramona, who found true freedom in Jesus while behind bars. Click to order your copy today! (books now in stock, $12 each, shipping including).

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