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On Shaky Ground

The people of Haiti have long stood on shaky ground. They are far too familiar with political violence, high HIV/AIDS infection rates, vulnerability to flooding and hurricanes and the highest poverty rate in the Western Hemisphere. Haiti’s spiritual ground has also been shaky, for although over 80 percent of the population claims to be Christian, over 50 percent openly practice voodoo.

     In January 2010, Haiti experienced the greatest disaster of its modern history, as a massive earthquake flattened the capital of Port-au-Prince and destroyed the lives of millions. Now impoverished Haitian women, who already had very little, must provide for their families with even less.

     But a voice of comfort was already becoming a friend to Haitian women: Neges de L’Esperance, the Creole-language production of Women of Hope. The program has been on the air from local station 4VEH for several years now.

     “Of all the 4VEH programs, Women of Hope is one of my favorites,” says Rose, a paralyzed woman who listens to 4VEH every day. “Why? It is good for women – young girls, teenagers and adults. All women should listen to Women of Hope.”

     Yotaire, who translates Women of Hope into Creole, writes, “When I am translating the material, it is like I am in a seminar. They are wonderful, very practical.”

     The shock of the earthquake has moved many to turn to God. One Women of Hope translator, who volunteered as a chaplain near the epicenter, saw 400 conversions in two weeks. But 4VEH Station Director, Brett Bundy, asks us to continue to remember Haiti in prayer. He writes, “The strong emphasis on the church right now in the aftermath of the earthquake could lead to renewed spiritual attack.” Pray that Haiti’s women, men and children will find stability in Jesus, the Rock of our salvation.

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Click here to learn more about TWR’s response to the devastating earthquake in Haiti.

Read more about TWR’s ministry in the Americas, including in Creole, on the TWR site.


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