Project Hannah

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Despair to Hope

In a country where women are still subject to cultural discrimination and violence, and female babies are killed or abandoned in preference for males, Project Hannah (PH) is God’s agent of change to transform the lives of many Indian women from despair to hope. In early 2005, Project Hannah initiated Women of Hope (WoH) programming in Hindi; today the broadcast airs in several major Indian languages thanks to funding by TWR European partners and donations from PH supporters. The programs air over various broadcast outlets, including shortwave, medium wave (AM) and local FM stations, as well as via Internet and CDs and cassettes. The Project Hannah team in India also often visits listeners and churches and hosts conferences and listener rallies, on-the-ground ministries that strengthen the program’s impact.

            This letter received by Project Hannah indicates the type of impact the Indian Women of Hope programs are having. A handicapped Indian listener and her husband have two children. She wrote and said that every evening, she dreaded her husband coming back home because he was violent against her and she had no where to turn. She even considered ending her life because she felt so hopeless.

            One night, thinking she was going to commit suicide, she listened to music while waiting for the household to settle down. She chanced upon listening to Women of Hope in her language. The minute she heard it, she told PH, she felt something tug at her heart. She couldn’t explain what happened, but she dropped the idea of ending her life, and listened to the program again the next week, and the week after. She committed her life to the Lord, started praying for her husband, and today he is also a believer. In her letter, she said she no longer dreads her husband coming home, and that God has transformed their family.

            Sadly, despite improvements for many women living in India, it is still common for those living in rural areas to believe that domestic violence is something they deserve to receive. Praise God that through Women of Hope, He is teaching women and men that this is not the truth and He is delivering many from despair to eternal hope.


To learn more about partnering with Project Hannah to reach the women of India with the gospel, click here.

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