Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

November 08, 2011

Dear Heavenly Father,

We thank you with all our hearts for igniting the hearts of Finnish women for Project Hannah. We rejoice in the fact that since the beginning of this year 2011 we have witnessed 15 new prayer groups to emerge. In addition to these we have 10 prospects looking for the right time and model to start in their neighbourhood. Together that makes 25 groups!

The number of subscribers of the truly powerful Prayer Calendar has increased to 711 here. Thank you and please bless holistically each of them.

Lord, thank you also for opening the possibility for Merja (Radio Reporter) and Tiina (Secretary for Home Ministries) to travel to India (Gujarat) on Wednesday (9-20 Nov) to learn more about what is happening there.

We are so happy to be your messengers and disciples Father! Bless all our lovely colleagues at PH international and TWR Cary. Amen.

Anne, Finland

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