Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

March 10, 2014

“Waiting and trusting on God is a character we can learn only when subjected to some situations for us to truly exercise out faith trust and patience. Thank you Project Hannah women all over Africa for praying with us regarding the situation shared with all of us in our prayer journal. Our son “E” having finished his first degree got into a situation which we cannot accurately label. However, it was a demonic attack which paralyzed his life and brought every bit of life to stagnation and confusion. The situation removed this intelligent young adult from all normal social relationships and kept him in loneliness depriving him of any joy, conversation, even from eating. A journey of nearly 4 years of darkness ended when the Lord in his divine way intervened and the young adult got up early 2014 and begun engaging in social life as well as getting back to work. God has done far beyond our imaginations and our thinking. He has resurrected our son and brought him back to life! Just like a baby is born, he is doing step by step and the Lord is working in him to bring him to his full potential and in his destiny. We glorify the Lord God of Heaven who by his grace and mercy has visited us and touched our son and brought him back to life again. Glory and honor belongs to him who is able to do exceeding above all that we can think or ask.
Be encouraged that; indeed he is never late- just in his season he will do it. Please share with me; 1 Chronicles 29: 11-13; Ephesians 3:20.”

Ruth, Africa

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