Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

November 04, 2011

Angola: Julia was released after spending eleven years in prison for a crime committed by her older brother. As we continued to intercede and fast for God’s justice, God heard our prayers and in the first half of July Julie was released. Praise God!
Another prisoner testified with great joy, satisfaction and gratitude to God, "I feel great to thank God, because I have good news. My probation lawyer was here and told me that my sentence was reduced to three years of imprisonment instead of seven. Also, God willing, next year I can leave the prison. Praise God."

Angola: We praise God for the 300 women who returned to participate in the 13 prayer groups in Benguela.

Ghana: We praise the Lord our God for His protection of all our members and the peace that we continue to enjoy in the country. In spite of the lack of funds to air the Women of Hope program we can encourage women to get together to pray. Whether rain or shine there are some dedicated members who always attend PH meetings.

Kenya: Praise God for women who have gotten jobs and businesses and are able to support their families. “I joined Project Hannah prayer group in my village and am grateful that I did so. I was trusting God for a job since I had trained as a nursery school teacher. I shared this prayer item with other women in my group and we prayed together. Today I am glad that God opened doors for me and I run my own kindergarten and a nursery school. Though I went through many challenges, I praise God because He carried me through. I know there is power in prayer. God bless Project Hannah’s ministry.”

Kenya: Praise God for family reconciliations and continued support women are enjoying from their spouses. “I used to be so bitter with my husband because he had abandoned me and my children and lived with another woman. A friend of mine introduced me to a Project Hannah prayer group and I started attending weekly prayers. I shared my concern for my family with other women and we prayed for my family every time we met. I thank God so much because my husband changed miraculous. He started by calling me once in a while. He asked me to forgive him for being irresponsible and said that he wanted to come back home and take care of his family. Today we are happily living together as a family and he appreciates us much. Women of Hope programs have also been a great spiritual booster. As I was listening to one of the programs I felt so challenged by the word of God and from that day I decided to let go of all the bitterness I had in my heart. I felt freedom in my heart that I had never experienced before. I have found new life and hope in Jesus through PH ministry. Praise be to God”

Kenya: Praise God for friends from NOREA (TWR partner) who gave their monies to purchase bibles to be distributed to Project Hannah women who had no bibles.

Kenya: Thank God that our government passed stern measures against those found guilty of rape or other crimes against humanity. A national outcry to rescue and report to authorities any case of physical abuse to children or women is being preached country wide.

Liberia: “I’m Alice, and I praise the Lord almighty for His continued protection and blessing upon my family! My mother-in-law has been making confusion for me for the past three years because I have not born a child for her son. I almost lost my marriage. But praise the Lord that I am now four months pregnant and things are getting better for me.”

Liberia: Praise God that our government and the people of Liberia had FREE, FAIR and TRANSPARENT ELECTIONS conducted on August 23rd 2011.
Praise God that the government of Liberia introduced free primary education.
Praise God that Non-Governmental Organizations are creating awareness of HIV/AIDS in and around the country. Young girls and boys are able to get first hand information on this killer disease.

Sierra Leone: Praise God for what He is doing around the world through Project Hannah We long for the day when women in Sierra Leone, and specifically those who bear the suffering of disability, would be able to receive this type of ministry and hear the Good News through this means.
God led Mammy Jenny to prepare a house of prayer. Then she learned about Project Hannah. Now, each Wednesday evening, she leads a Bible Study and worship time in the house of prayer with a focus on praying for women around the world.

Tanzania: Two more Christian radio stations started airing Women of Hope Swahili programs using their own funds. This makes a total of five radio stations that are now airing programs in Tanzania.

Tanzania: We thank God that four women gave their lives to Jesus once they attended the Project Hannah prayer fellowship in Dodoma, (Selina, Sophia, Elizabeth and Mama Logani). Through prayers and the Women of Hope programs women received healing from their sicknesses, those who were down spiritually were uplifted.

Vietnam:Thank God for the holistic ministry of Vietnam Project Hannah over the people in Daktrap. A two-day trip was done to visit them, share with them God's word and also teach them cooking such as how to use sweet potato buds to eat instead of cassava's leaves when they have no food.
We copy 900 Women of Hope lessons monthly and give them to the listeners in the North, Central and South. These lessons encourage and build up the faith and love for God among sisters. They even use Women of Hope lessons in their congregation to study it together.

Cambodia: “I like to listen to the radio every day. One day I turned on the radio and looked for a different station. I found the Women of Hope program. Now I listen to the Women of Hope program every week, and my husband and children listen in as well. Six months ago my husband and three children came to believe in Jesus through listening to the radio program. Now I open my very small hut and tell people about Jesus and we worship the Lord together every week. It is a joy for me to listen to the Women of Hope program, because it teaches us women how to take care of ourselves and learn how to be a good woman and have good habits. Before I believed in the Lord, my life was so lonely and I was so depressed. Now that I am a Christian, the Lord has given me a lot of strength and I am very happy. I have complete trust in the Lord. Sometimes people criticize me, but I am not upset at them because I want them to know the Lord too.”

Thailand: “I have been listening to your radio program in the east of Thailand. I want to encourage you to continue producing your programs, especially Woman of Hope. In my opinion, the husbands should also listen to this program. My family has been listening to Voice of Peace for many years, before we became Christians. Now all of us in the family: me, my 2 children and husband have accepted Christ. My husband is the newest believer. He was baptized in the middle of last month. We are now real Christians that will follow Christ forever. My family is very peaceful because my husband is changed into a very good man who loves his family. He has stopped all his vices: alcohol, cigarette, drugs, gambling, and he has become a new person, and our family has been blessed very much. Though we are not very rich, we are very happy, and we have enough money. We’re not in lack. We have a lot of food every meal and the important thing is we have no debts. Before believing in God, which was about 1-2 years ago, we had a lot of debts and our water and electricity was cut off.”

Cambodia: “This was my first time to listen to the Women of Hope program. I decided to write because I received such encouragement from the program. I am studying at a Bible School. I was always thinking about my body and face. I’m bad looking; not beautiful like other girls the same age as me. Whenever I told myself that God created me in His imagine and that I am very nice for Him, I felt like I was lying to myself. I prayed day by day, and I told God I didn’t want to feel this way.
As I was listening to a Christian program called Women of Hope, God talked to me through the program. That is because the program said, ‘Ladies, You are very beautiful, valuable, and nice in God’s sight; God’s love for you never ends.’ I was surprised that I heard this word from Women of Hope. I had waited for this word for 22 years. My friends and family never said I looked good, but instead said I looked bad. After I listened, I felt I could not lie to myself . . . I am beautiful and have value in God’s sight. God loves me, and He will be with me everywhere. Everywhere I go, God is my strength, I am not weak.”

Cambodia: “I am a HIV/AIDS patient and I have 2 children. I got the disease from my husband…Everything was okay after I met some people who came to encourage me. One day the Women of Hope team came to my house, and asked me to move to the HIV center. I could not go because my mom didn’t allow me to. Still, I started to get to know the Lord through the Women of Hope program. Also, the team came to my village to teach the Word of God. I listened to the program every week. Praise to the Lord, for this year the Women of Hope team come to teach the social lessons focused on health issues. These touched me a lot, and I understand more and more of how to take care of myself and kids. And now I know I am much better -- God gave me the right medicine and the program gave me hope!”

Tina, Around the world!

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