Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

December 05, 2013

Praise the Lord! This year Radio 7 celebrates the 10th anniversary of the only Christmas show for children in Albania.

Two hundred children from different age groups, churches, denominations, public schools, and cultural backgrounds have been trained to perform on our show. 90% of the children performing in our show come from non-Christian families and more than 100 children will participate in this event for the first time. Many children come from under privileged families and will perform in a real stage for the first time in their lives. Through Christmas songs, and poetries children of ages 5-14, will share the message of Christmas with their friends and family.

The musical "Where is baby Jesus?" will make our children jump, sing and learn, the greatest story ever. Their parents and grandparents will listen for the first time, the story of salvation while enjoying a great show.

Enkelejda, Albania

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