Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

July 26, 2016

Praise and prayer items from Tanzania
1. Since the sewing class has moved to a bigger Hannah’s House, women have been experiencing restoration. More than 30 women come to class every day. Some comes with demons but through Project Hannah prayer ministry the demons are driven away by the teachers. Last week the class was invaded by a huge swarm of bees from nowhere and settled on the sewing machines, but Project Hannah women prayed and the bees left one by one. There was no class on that day. We thank God for Chipegwa the sewing class teacher who leads the prayer and plays the "Women of Hope" programme first before any sewing activities.

2. Give thanks for answered prayer as the Tanzania government arrested six owners of brothels who also sell their bodies. But please pray for the new government as they fight these awful practices on women.

3. Praise God that a pastor was arrested by the government for raping a 13 year girl. When he was asked why he had committed that act he said that he had been driving away demons who were in the girl. Let us continue to pray for these horrible rape practice to stop.

Joyce, Tanzania

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