Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

August 21, 2015

Praise the Lord with us on the completion of another milestone in the ministry to women suffering with a fistula! The brand new audio drama, "Healing Voice," has completed production in the first language – to the Ari-speaking people of Ethiopia.

After more than 3 years of research, script-writing, joys and challenges, the full production of "Healing Voice" now makes available a story of healing for women with bodies broken with the medical condition called: fistula. The dramatized story is uploaded onto Davar playing devices and Community Facilitators are being organized, preparing the way for listener groups in churches, medical facilities and homes. Two more languages are also being developed for the Healing Voice drama – into Amharic and Oromo.

The unity of spirit put into this project has been a blessing to see, and I am sure a sweet smelling aroma to God. Much work has taken place over the past few years to come to this point. Soon we will hear from the listeners! May we pray for God’s love to reach deeply into these precious women’s hearts.

Praise to our Heavenly Father!

Flora , Ethiopia

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