Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

February 23, 2012

Praise the Lord for how He has provided for the projects led by women in a church in Elbasan, Albania. They have a heart for the afflicted, the poor, the orphans and the widows. They work so hard to make a difference in this world with whatever God has given them. They have so little, but God provides for their soup kitchen for 60 elders from Elbasan. They also have a feeding program for dozens of Roma children in a suburb of Elbasan. At one time there were 70 children who ate at least a meal a day, but now the number had decreased to 25 children. They started this on-going project when they heard that one child died as a result of malnutrition. They were painting a small room nearby to accommodate the children of the poor families nearby who could not afford to send the children to a kindergarten. They had no money to buy paint, but God sent someone in to paint the room for them. Pray for these dear sisters who are also praying with Project Hannah for women around the world who are suffering.

Ledi, Albania

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