Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

January 06, 2012

Thank you for praying, God is still at work in Valentina's community!

"The Project Hannah family here got a big blow! But I thank God because through Project Hannah's 'Women of Hope' programs and prayer meetings Valentina rededicated her life to Christ and she had hope in him. Through her we have two strong prayer groups and in her burial I had an opportunity to share the word of God and the hope we have in Christ to more than 400 people who attended her burial. I also met new contacts (women and pastors) and we are soon starting Project Hannah's ministry in their areas of service. I believe Valentina's good work is following her to the grave!

About her children, the grandmother will stay with them a tleast for the time being but I plan to go and visit them so that we can know their whereabouts. I will keep you informed. Pray for the family."

Eunice, Kenya

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