Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

December 20, 2014

Praise the Lord for changed lives. Praise the Lord that parents are learning how to better care for their children.
One listener wrote:
I am a housewife and we live in a remote village. I did not get much opportunity to pursue my studies. I thank and praise God for this program, from where I am able to learn valuable teachings regarding family and spiritual life. The teachings of this program has changed our thinking pattern. For example when we choose life partners for our daughter and son, we would usually choose them on the basis of our worldly thinking. Very seldom do we look for believers. But this program has taught me how to select a God fearing bride and bride groom for our children. The same wisdom, I am now passing on to my children and also to my friends and relatives. Please pray for me, so that I may be able to teach my children according to the word of God.

Anu, India

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