Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

January 05, 2012

Thank you for praying for Marli. Her blood tests came back and the results do not indicate that she had the mild heart attack that we were concerned she may have had. She took some medicine for nausea and it helped her sleep for 24 hours. She really needed this deep rest because she has not slept well since her last overseas trip. This is an answer to your prayers that she would be able to rest.

Please continue to pray for Marli. She must go to Atlanta today to get her passport matters taken care of. If she doesn’t go today, she’s not sure when she will get another chance to take care of this before she starts her visa process for her next trip. Please pray for a smooth and peaceful trip.

Pray that Marli will be able to continue sleeping well. She will be out of the office until next week after her doctor’s appointment.

Tina, USA

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