Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

  • June 01, 2015

    Asante Mungu kwa kuwezesha watu wako kuwakumbuka wanawake wa nchi za kiarabu ambao wamekaliwa vibaya na sheria kandamizi. … read more

  • April 10, 2015

    We are so thankful to update you all that we got great news about Katelyn this evening! The preliminary pathology on the tumor came back as a stage 1 cancerous tumor with NO spread anywhere,… read more

  • March 30, 2015

    Praise God for the new volunteer translating Project Hannah's monthly prayer calendars into the Xhosa language! … read more

  • March 09, 2015

    Praise the Lord! Every Sunday Norway’s national public radio broadcast a church service at 11 am to the whole country. It is the oldest program on radio in Norway, and is still highly popular. They… read more

  • February 27, 2015

    Praise the Lord for the wonderful meetings at TWR -UK with Russell and Yvonne. Please pray for us to know God's will for Project Hannah's ministry in the UK in the future. read more

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